Thursday, March 23, 2017

Princess AIKO Z SOCIETY - Shadow Emperor Operation - Princess Aiko, the only child of Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, graduated from Gakushuin Girls' Junior High School on March 22. She attended the graduation ceremony with her parents. When reporters congratulated her at the main entrance to the school, Aiko, 15, responded, "I enjoyed the past three years because I was fortunate to have good teachers and friends." The Imperial Household Agency also released a composition Aiko wrote for inclusion in the graduation anthology. She looked back on a school trip to Hiroshima in May 2016 and expressed her desire for the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons. In the composition, Aiko wrote that when she stood before the iconic Atomic Bomb Dome she felt the suffering and chagrin of those who were affected by the Aug. 6, 1945, atomic bombing. She also wrote about feeling anger and sadness when she visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and learned about the vast number of people who died as a result of the bombing. She also wrote about folding origami paper cranes with her friends and touched upon the two given to the museum by U.S. President Barack Obama when he visited in May 2016. She wrote that the large number of paper cranes on display was an expression of the same desire for peace held by those who left them. "As Japanese born in the only nation to have the atomic bomb dropped on it, there is a need for us to widely transmit to the world what we have seen with our own eyes and felt," she wrote. "I pray that some day, in the not too distant future, a world without nuclear weapons will emerge and the 'Flame of Peace' in Hiroshima can be extinguished." The Flame of Peace is a sculpture that has served as a symbol for nuclear abolition and is meant to stay alight "until the day when all such weapons shall have disappeared from the Earth," according to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park website.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Shadow Emperor Grand Project - I remembered the donation case 35 years ago in the Kanke case, which the public is making a noise. When I offered brand information to Mr. Nakae who was a speculative group of the stockholders' stock at that time, I received a thank of 1 million yen. Although it is not a bad money, there is a House of Representatives election from the time, and Nakanishi Keisuke had you out from the LDP and the same year student at Tsurikaka school supported me including me. The gathering at Wakayama Tokyu Inn and raising Oda was playing with the election as an excuse. I gave Mr. Nakae's million yen to them as they were asked by the support organization Kashira, and notified the Nakanishi office to that effect. After Mr. Nakanishi won the prize safely, from the Nakanishi office this time the Ministry of Home Affairs announces the name of the publication of Mr. Nakae as a donor, so I divided it by half and said that I should send it to the Ministry of Home Affairs with two mouths. I said that I wanted you to put it out as it is against the purpose of whether it is the political funds regulation law or not. It became October 1 of the following year, there was a news that the Yomiuri Shimbun came to my house from Nakanishi. A former Yomiuri reporter also asked me. In the Yomiuri article, it is a big problem that Kashira of the work group contributed to the president of the Treasury Secretariat. Nakae did not commission something, but this is a purification property, because it was judged that it is not desirable to hide the name of the donor by half by dividing it into half even though there is no right and wrong in the money itself, as it is a departure act of the Political Funds Control Law is there. However, the Yomiuri Shimbun, who received leaks of illegal information from officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs, announced extensively with a black donation from the work group to the Treasury Secretary General, as if taking the head of the demon. Of course, I do not investigate whether there is a commission or not. The first two people did not have a sale that there was There will not be a request for commission. In case of something happening in the future, if you see it, it is a casual guess. The perception of public opinion on political funds and the degree of insight of the media were roughly like this, but it seems that it has not changed since 35 years now. From the experience of the right this time, one million who calls Dagokui from Mrs. Abe's, probably avoided Mrs. Abe's returning back, saying "Please do it to the master's donation" Whether it is a common way of operating a donation to write celebrities' fictitious donations in the service book and to stimulate other donors, the mass communication dared to feel it, so that the Yomiuri at that time It is about the same degree. Also, while the Democratic Progressive Party is also doing something similar to Mizukara, what he is doing to the National Assembly for doing impression manipulation of Abe is that the Japanese parliamentary politics and the mass communication have dramatically increased since 35 years ago It is evidence of deterioration.

Shadow Emperor Grand Strategy - The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on March 25, the sources say. The meetings are taking place because a long term Freemason goal, the creation of a benevolent world government, is near completion, the sources continue. There is also a lot of talk from multiple sources of some sort of event planned for March 15th, the Ides of March. This was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. This is also the day the US government will hit its debt ceiling. Asian Secret Societies, for their part place great importance on March 19th, the day the last Ming Emperor died (also, by coincidence, this writer’s birthday). Exactly what will happen is not clear but certainly the last half of March will see many world changes, multiple sources agree. There is also extremely high tension worldwide as the various power centers jockey for position in the upcoming world federation, various sources agree.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Shadow Emperor Golden Lily - Korea Operation - Why did Park Geun Mi recently made a relationship with Chesunsil? Park Geun's mother Lu Yingming was killed in the literary work of the Choson Committee in Japan and then father of Chesunsil and had friendship with Choi Tae-hyun of North Korea's Eiyuan (now, the semi-volunteering team) to be president.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Shadow Emperor - 311 Day - Get ready for another incredible 311 DAY in New Orleans! These are the times of our lives and we look forward to sharing them with you! Last 311 Day we had fans in attendance from all 50 U.S. states and 13 different countries. Let’s do it again! Get your tickets early. You do not want to miss out on these special shows. 311 and their biggest fans from around the world unite! Below you’ll find info on the show, tickets, VIP packages, discounted hotels, etc. Be sure to check back as more details are confirmed. In the meantime, make your plans for New Orleans and get your hotel room held. We have 16 nearby hotels giving a special 311 DAY discounted rate, see below!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Shadow Emperor - AISHA KAGEMUSHA - A political decoy is a person employed to impersonate a politician, to draw attention away from the real person or to take risks on that person's behalf. This can also apply to military figures, or civilians impersonated for political or espionage purposes. The political decoy is an individual who has been selected because of strong physical resemblance to the person being impersonated. This resemblance can be strengthened by plastic surgery. Often, such decoys are trained to speak and behave like the "target".

Shadow Emperor - Vatican Operation China - As you can see from the article, Mr. Itagaki Eito's "Goldman Families Group" seems to intend to make the virtual currency (encryption currency) the common currency of each country. China is preparing its preparation steadily. According to Mr. Fulford 's information, the Rothschild family was deeply involved in China and was transferring all their assets to China already.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Golden Lily - MAKE AISHA GREAT AGAIN - Future Empress AIKO Why is Emperor #Akihito’s desire to abdicate creating headaches for policymakers in Japan?

Golden Lily - Forum AIKO make Hijab Great Again - Women who changed the world. Literary mastery, pioneering science, life-saving discoveries and actions for peace and human rights – achievements of women around the world awarded the Nobel Prize. Learn more about the impactful work of these Laureates at Photos: Ulla Montan, Alexander Mahmoud, Music: Epidemic Sound. #InternationalWomensDay #WomensHistoryMonth

Golden Lily - Princess AIKO supports Hijab Sportwear - Had so much fun shooting for VERONA COLLECTION BURKINI showcasing their Modest Swimwear Line. The Burkini's include a modest swim top, Pants, undergarment with optional padding, a swimwear cap and a swimwear verona hijab! Verona Burkini comes in 2 colors; Deep Teal & Silver!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Shadow Emperor - Akihito Vietnam Thailand - Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on Thursday met in Hanoi with Vietnamese women who married Japanese soldiers... Japanese Emperor #Akihito and his Empress Michiko meet the surviving widows of Japanese soldiers who fought in #Vietnam during WW2. Courtesy talks between President Dai Quang and Japan's Emperor #Akihito and Empress Michiko.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Golden Lily - 3rd Fatima Secret - God will Punish the World - Nuclear War Apocalypse on Japan NUKE Eavesdropping DEBAGAME Peaping Tom at JAERI/JAEA and J-PARC, Fukushima 3.11

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Golden Lily - Золотое кольцо - Золото́е кольцо́ Росси́и — туристский маршрут, проходящий по древним городам Северо-Восточной Руси, в которых сохранились уникальные памятники истории и культуры России, центрам народных ремёсел. Количество и состав городов в конкретном маршруте может быть разным. Ниже перечислены населённые пункты, которые входят в разные маршруты. Города Золотого кольца расположены в семи областях: Московской, Владимирской, Ивановской, Костромской, Ярославской, Рязанской (с 1 октября 2015 года) и Калужской (с 20 апреля 2016 года).

Golden Lily - Scythian Gold Kurgan - Scythia (/ˈsɪθiə/; Ancient Greek: Σκυθική, Skythikē) was a region of Central Eurasia in classical antiquity, occupied by the Eastern Iranian Scythians, encompassing parts of Eastern Europe east of the Vistula River and Central Asia, with the eastern edges of the region vaguely defined by the Greeks. The Ancient Greeks gave the name Scythia (or Great Scythia) to all the lands north-east of Europe and the northern coast of the Black Sea.

Golden Lily - Golden Deer Filippovka - Al di là della suggestione incomparabile di preziosi oggetti di sconvolgente bellezza, la mostra Oro, il mistero dei Sarmati e degli Sciti (aperta dal 15 marzo al 15 luglio 2001, in Palazzo Reale a Milano), non appare di facile approccio, anche per lo specialista. La sua struttura è complessa e permette pluralità di letture. Di fronte a realtà in passato sconosciute, con sconcertanti proposte estetiche e culturali, la nostra sensibilità viene sollecitata in direzioni nuove, lontano dai percorsi consueti, ai quali la nostra formazione culturale, sostanzialmente eurocentrica, ci ha preparato.